本系兼任教師賴世剛特聘教授新書Planning within Complex Urban Systems對折優惠,欲購從速~

  • 2021-08-20
  • 簡 長毅

Planning within Complex Urban Systems  
Shih-Kung Lai (賴世剛教授)
原價 NT 5,000教科書特惠價 NT 2,500,數量有限欲購從速


  Imagine living in a city where people could move freely and buildings could be replaced at minimal cost. Reality cannot be further from such. Despite this imperfect world in which we live, urban planning has become integral and critical especially in the face of rapid urbanization in many developing and developed countries. This book introduces the axiomatic/experimental approach to urban planning and addresses the criticism of the lack of a theoretical foundation in urban planning.
  With the rise of the complexity movement, the book is timely in its depiction of cities as complex systems and explains why planning from within is useful in the face of urban complexity. It also includes policy implications for the Chinese cities in the context of axiomatic/experimental planning theory.
想像一下,生活在一個人們可以自由行動並且可以以最低成本更換建築物的城市中,但現實遠非如此。 儘管我們生活在這個不完美的世界中,但城市規劃已變得不可或缺且至關重要,尤其是在許多發展中國家和發達國家面臨快速城市化的情況下。 本書介紹了城市規劃的公理/實驗方法,並解決了對城市規劃缺乏理論基礎的批評。
隨著複雜性運動的興起,這本書及時將城市描述為複雜的系統,並解釋了為什麼在面對城市復雜性時從內部進行規劃是有用的。 它還包括在公理/實驗規劃理論背景下對中國城市的政策影響。
作者台北大學特聘教授賴世剛博士,以從事城市複雜性、規劃行為及複雜學等研究為主。本書總結了賴教授過去35年的研究成果,以完整的邏輯及架構介紹最前沿的都市計畫理論。本書獲得國際知名學者的推薦,包括Peter NijkampMichael BattyEric Heikkila等教授。
ISBN: 9780367346133 318 Pages 42 B/W Illustrations (Hardback)
Publisher: Routledge Published December 18, 2020
 Knowledge Book Co. 知訊圖書有限公司代理
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